It started last month and I thought it will disappear, and sadly to say, I already having an acne break - out. Shooot. I panicked. So, I did some research, for me to understand the cause. I found this whole new or old science of face mapping.
Face mapping, which is fast taking centre stage at most clinics nowadays to explain how certain parts of your face are connected to other areas of your body. Put simply, think of your face as a map and blemishes as X’s on that landscape. Spots in different zones correspond to different problems. So, with this “map” as your guide, you can address the underlying causes of blemishes and not only make the unsightly zits vanish but also treat the underlying health problem in time.
Pretty awesome, right? Try it out: Here is how to decode breakouts in the basic areas.

So, the next time you break out or notice dark under-eye circles, look to your face map: your skin is probably trying to communicate on behalf of the internal organs. However, do remember that, as with all medical issues, it is always best to see your doctor or dermotologist for a proper prognosis. This is just a general guide to head you off in the right investigative direction – just becuase you break out between the brows doesn’t always mean you have a bad liver!
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